Use Jewish thinking to trade stocks: Hold one stock for ten years and do T repea

Change a Perspective to Think about Problems

A Jewish man walked into a bank in New York and approached the loan department, sitting down with an air of confidence.

"Excuse me, sir, what can I do for you?" the loan manager asked, sizing up the man's attire: an extravagant suit, high-quality leather shoes, an expensive watch, and a tie clip adorned with precious gems.

"I'd like to borrow some money."

"Sure, how much do you need to borrow?"

"One dollar."

"Just one dollar?"

"That's correct, I only want to borrow one dollar. Is that possible?"

"Of course, as long as you have collateral, even more would be fine."

"Well, is this collateral sufficient?"The Jewish man said, taking out a pile of stocks, government bonds, and so on from a luxurious leather bag, and placing them on the manager's desk. "A total of $500,000, is that enough?"


"Of course, of course! But, are you really only borrowing one dollar?"

"Yes." The Jewish man said, taking the one dollar.

"The annual interest rate is 6%. As long as you pay 6% interest and return it after a year, we can give you these stocks back."

"Thank you."

The Jewish man said, preparing to leave the bank.

The branch manager, who had been watching coldly, couldn't understand why a person with $500,000 would come to the bank to borrow one dollar? He hurriedly caught up and said to the Jewish man: "Ah, sir..."

"What's the matter?" "I really can't figure it out, you have $500,000, why only borrow one dollar? If you want to borrow three or four hundred thousand dollars, we would also be very happy..."

"Please don't worry about me. It's just that before I came to your bank, I asked a few banks, and the rent for their safes is very expensive. So, I am going to store these stocks in your bank. The rent is really too cheap, only 6 cents a year."Valuable items are conventionally stored in a vault's safe, which for many is the only option. However, Jewish merchants did not confine themselves to conventional wisdom but instead found an alternative way to lock securities and the like into bank safe deposit boxes. From a reliable perspective, there is indeed not much difference between the two, except for the different fees charged.

Under normal circumstances, people mortgage to borrow money, always hoping to secure as much borrowing as possible with as little collateral as possible. Banks, to ensure the safety or profitability of the loan, never allow the loan amount to approach the actual value of the collateral.

Therefore, there are generally only regulations on the upper limit of the loan amount, and there is no need to regulate the lower limit, as this is a problem that the borrower will take care of themselves. The ability to exploit this "loophole" and think about problems from a different perspective is the "shrewdness" of the Jewish people in their way of thinking.

Being good at thinking about problems from different perspectives often leads to more opportunities for success.

Holding a stock for a long time and repeatedly doing T+0 transactions does not yield worse returns than frequently changing stocks.

Whether it's short-term or medium-term, frequently doing T+0 transactions is far better than holding stocks still; especially during periods of market fluctuations or declines, doing T+0 transactions in the market is a very stable and efficient arbitrage method: the principle is simple, whether opening a new position can make a profit or not, it still depends on what happens tomorrow, while T+0 is completed on the same day, adding certainty. If you have time to watch the market and hold stocks, you have the opportunity to arbitrage every day. Never underestimate T+0, not doing it is also 4 hours, and making a little profit every day is the foundation for you to swim in the stock market, and it is also the cornerstone of accumulating small profits into a large amount. Over time, your market sense will improve rapidly.

How to do T+0 with stocks? In simple terms, it is like this:

For example, if you bought 5,000 shares yesterday, and if the price drops today, you buy another 5,000 shares. If the price rises after a while, you can sell the 5,000 shares you bought yesterday, excluding your cost, and make a profit!

It becomes the same as buying stocks today and being able to sell them today!For example, if you bought at 6 yuan yesterday and it fell to 5.5 yuan today, you bought 5,000 shares, and then, after a while, it rose to 5.8 yuan, you could sell it. You bought at 6 yuan, but you can consider it as if you bought at 5.5 yuan, and you still make a profit!

It sounds very simple, but how to do swing trading in this kind of phased bull market? Those who are familiar with the review style of Moore's contributor @Rao Zhi Chan know that the author's most frequent words are to sell high and buy low, to do swing trading.

So how to do swing trading? Today, I will talk to you about how to do swing trading in the current "with strong support below, and the nearest pressure above is still a bit far" "safe" state, which is the legendary T+0 trading. Let's talk about the method I often use:

Sell first and then buy T+0 method

1. Before 10 a.m., it quickly rises to more than 7 points. If it cannot quickly hit the daily limit, directly sell one-third at around 7 points; why is it before 10 a.m.? That's because according to my own observation, many of the strongest stocks will have a sharp rise before 10 a.m., but more than half will quickly fall back, and the other minority will directly hit the daily limit (my backup demon stocks are all directly hitting the daily limit); So, if you insist on doing it according to this principle, the number of times you do it right will far exceed the number of times you do it wrong. Of course, sometimes you will be upset that you just threw it and hit the daily limit, but please pay attention to have operational discipline! In the long run, this is a very good habit!

2. When to make up the one-third sold:

(1) One situation is when the stock falls back to the time-sharing moving average position, and at this time, you can make up the position; if you make up the position and break through the moving average again, then go out of one-third of the position again;

(2) Another situation is when the stock falls back to the 5-day moving average of the daily line, and make up this one-third.

At the same time, please be sure to quickly check whether there is a death cross sign in the low cycle before buying, if there is, please wait.

Buy first and then sell T+0 methodTranslate the following text into English:

1. The strongest stock opens lower by no more than 2 points, without significant volume, and then quickly rebounds; at the moment it turns red, you can use one-third of the reserve funds to buy an equivalent position.

2. When the strongest stock retraces to the vicinity of the 5-day moving average, you can use one-third of the reserve funds to buy an equivalent position.

3. The principle after buying is "You can sell at any time if you make a profit" / "Never be reluctant to sell! Increasing the position of individual stocks is the most undesirable situation!"

4. Regardless of profit or loss, you must sell this one-third position at the end of the day! Otherwise, it's not day trading! Violating operational discipline is not good!

In a volatile market, you can perform positive T or inverse T based on the situation.

Several mantras for day trading:

In an upward trend, each pullback to the moving average or the downward trend line is a buying opportunity;

In a downward trend, each rebound to the moving average or the upward trend line is a selling opportunity;In the context of a volatile trend: Each time the price touches the upper edge of the box, it is a selling point; each time it hits the lower edge of the box, it is a buying point.

Common patterns for judging trends in intraday charts:

Upward Trend:

- After opening lower, the price quickly rises above the moving average and moves upward, with the moving average following (with volume attacking)

- After opening higher, the price continues to rise, with the moving average moving upward and clear, with the bottom of the later wave higher than the top of the previous wave, and the moving average following (with volume attacking)

- After breaking through the previous high, the price retraces to the previous high point and then continues to move upward, with the moving average following (with volume attacking)Note: The last two examples are also two methods for judging the pursuit of limit-up boards (There are N ways to pull the limit-up board, common ones include a single word board, double dragons out of the sea 3, 5, 7 waves of limit-up, red flag floating, rocket to the sky, platform breakthrough, ladder rise, etc.)

Downward trend:

Open low and then rebound but not pass the previous high and the high point moves down, the moving average follows down

Open low and go low, the moving average goes down, one wave is lower than the previous wave

Open high and go low, break through the moving average and then rebound but not pass the previous high, create a new low

Some key points to note:

High sell and low buy method: When you hold a certain amount of stock, one day there is a serious oversold or open low, at this time there will be a good opportunity to intervene, buy the same amount of stock as the position or buy in batches, and then choose to sell after the lift to a relatively high position, so as to achieve low buy and high sell within a trading day, to obtain the difference in profit.

Please note that the translation is provided to the best of my ability, and some financial terms may not have a direct equivalent in English. The terms "limit-up board" and "oversold" are used in the context of stock market trading and may not be universally understood outside of that context.Sudden Drop Buying Method: Often, the intraday chart will show a fluctuating downward pattern, and at a certain moment, there will be a volume increase that accelerates the decline. In this case, the intraday stock price line often presents a sharp downward angle, forming a turning sharp angle - this is a very good opportunity for lurking. This kind of intraday pattern is often a common trick after the consolidation of strong stocks. Friends need to do is dare to lurk.

Forward "T+0" Operation

Method: Buy low first, then sell high

Conditions: After holding a certain number of stocks, if the stock is severely oversold or opens low one day, you can take this opportunity to buy the same or part of the same stock, and sell it after it rises to a certain height, thus achieving low buy and high sell within a trading day to obtain the difference in profits.

Real Combat Case: Tianjin Port (600717)

As shown in the figure above, assuming that the stock was trapped on the day, the huge shadow of the stock price indicates that the next day's market is weak. You need to prepare to do T early the next day. Buy when the opening is 0.36 yuan lower, hold the stock and watch, there is always a rebound in the market, wait patiently. In the afternoon, sell at a high point of 17.25, make a profit of 1.05 yuan per share. According to the calculation of buying at a high position the day before, the floating loss is 1.4 yuan per share. The profit offsets the loss, reducing the loss to 0.35 yuan per share. In the later market, consciously reduce the loss or even make a profit by doing T step by step, until the trend shows an upward turning point, and then hold the stock to wait for the rise.

Reverse "T+0" Operation

Method: Sell high first, then buy low

Conditions: The stock price opens sharply or rises rapidly, you can take this opportunity to sell all or part of the chips in your hand, and after the stock price ends the rapid rise and shows a decline, buy back all or part of the same variety of stocks that were originally thrown out, thus achieving high sell and low buy within a trading day to obtain the difference in profits.Practical Case: Tianjin Port (600717)

As shown in the above chart, the next trading day, the stock opened high and was sold at a high price, and then picked up again at a low position, making a profit of 0.9 yuan per share. So far, not only has the loss been eliminated, but also a floating profit of 0.55 yuan per share has been made. Some friends may say, it is not easy to judge whether it will rise or fall later!

The 5 Major Skills of T+0 Trading

1. Only go "short" and never go "long" in a downtrend

Under the T+0 trading system, funds can be operated back and forth several times without any restrictions every day, which provides a role in promoting the rise or fall of the market. Once the trend is formed, it is often more obvious in terms of direction persistence than T+1 trading. Because T+0 trading can be bought and sold in real time during the market, most investors hold the psychology of winning if they see it right, and leaving if they see it wrong. Once the trend is formed, there will be a "herd effect" in the market. Both rises and falls will be sustained, which is often the case of not speaking of the top when rising and not speaking of the bottom when falling. Therefore, after the stock price forms a downtrend, only go "short" and never go "long".

2. Only bravely go "long" and never go "short" in an uptrend

In short-term operations, when the stock price falls in an uptrend, once it breaks the uptrend line, it is a signal to sell. In practice, to avoid leaving too quickly due to minor fluctuations, you can set a percentage below the uptrend line to leave. This percentage can only be objectively determined by individuals according to their own operational level, style, characteristics, etc. When the stock price falls in an uptrend and breaks the uptrend line, it is a signal to sell or a signal to go short. As for when to sell or go short, it is a question of the actual situation at the time of the actual combat, and it is not very meaningful to analyze too much here. In short, the use of the uptrend line has these two most obvious characteristics that must be remembered.

After the stock price forms an uptrend, each time the stock price adjusts to the vicinity of the uptrend line and immediately starts to rise, you can follow up. Of course, not every time is an opportunity. When making a purchase operation, you also need to combine the market and other factors for analysis. In addition, don't try to catch every opportunity, do what you can do, and win the money you can win!III. Stop-loss method at the end of a converging triangle pattern

IV. Buy-in method when the converging triangle breaks upward at the end

V. Operation method for stock price horizontal platform

VI. The "secrets" of T+0 operation

1. Contrary and pursuit T+0 operation mode

When the overall market continues to fall and individual stocks also generally follow suit, doing T+0 has both the helplessness of passivity and the practical significance of proactivity. The contrary pursuit T+0 is mainly used when individual stocks are at risk of falling, but you do not want to completely give up on them. Therefore, the contradiction is resolved by using the T+0 operation of selling first and then buying.The stock had already fallen to a previous low point on the previous trading day (the second-to-last candlestick), and the smart deviation had also reached around -18. In this situation, you can first make a sell. After the expected sharp drop occurred, we found that, first, after the breakdown of the intraday sharp drop, the white line (stock price) fell, but the moving average (yellow line) did not completely follow the fall, and the gap between the two lines was opened up to 6% at most. Under normal circumstances, a vertical gap of 4% is already quite large, so there is an opportunity for a rebound; second, looking at the candlestick, the smart deviation of the previous trading day had already reached -18, and the maximum drop on that day exceeded 8 points, so the smart deviation at the lowest point of that day was at least below -25, which meets our basic conditions for grabbing the oversold stocks, and it is also an opportunity worth starting. Therefore, in this situation, you should resolutely buy back the stocks that were thrown out in the morning.

2. Reverse, lagging T+0 operation mode

The specific operation of the reverse lagging T+0 is to sell first when the stock price rises to a certain extent in the intraday, and you feel that there is a lagging state, which may lead to a decline, and there is a certain space for the decline, and then wait for the stock price to fall back, and then choose the opportunity to buy back.

The intraday trend of this stock continued to rise, but during the process of the stock price rising, the trading volume showed a divergent state, and the stock price (white line) rose, but the moving average (yellow line) did not follow up to form a support, and the vertical gap between the stock price and the moving average at that time had already exceeded 6%, the lagging state formed by the empty rise and the volume divergence, at the same time, the smart deviation at the daily candlestick level had also exceeded 20% and even more than 25%, which has already belonged to the state of deviation. You can choose to sell first at the high position of the intraday, and then the stock price will fall back to the support position close to the moving average as expected, and the re-entry is quite sufficient, and the daily candlestick has not completely destroyed the shape, if there is a desire to continue operating, you can buy back the sold chips with T+0.

3. Positive, chasing the rise of T+0 operation mode

This kind of T+0 operation is usually more necessary and valuable in two situations:

When the market is in a trend that is not completely clear and the stock in hand shows a stable upward trend, and there is a short-term attack opportunity from the perspective of the stock, you can use the positive chasing the rise T+0 operation. You can buy first in the market, and then sell the same amount of the original stock in hand after the price rises to achieve T+0 operation. On the intraday chart, choose the price range as close to the moving average (the yellow line in the stock's intraday chart) above the moving average, and you can buy after the stock price has been stable and reduced for more than half an hour. If during this period of horizontal consolidation, the market is in a downward state and the stock still maintains horizontal resistance, it is more effective. The selling time is when the stock price is pulled away from the moving average, and any lagging signal can be sold.When doing T+0, keep a close eye on this line.

When selling stocks, we need to keep a close eye on the current price line. As long as this line continues to rise, we can continue to hold the stock. Sometimes the current price line will rise all the way to the upper limit of the daily price fluctuation range, and then we will follow it to the upper limit. However, in most cases, it is pulled to the upper limit in three waves or more. If the second wave cannot surpass the first wave, generally speaking, the previous high point will be the highest point of the day. We must decisively take profits when the second wave cannot surpass the first wave. Taking profits with the current price line also requires observing the volume peak and the volume ratio curve; the position diagram for taking profits is as follows:

T+0 practical application:

1. Buy first, then sell type:

From a technical perspective, it is highly certain that the individual stock will rebound in the day's market, and the space will not be less than 5%. Then it is suitable to buy an equal number of chips during the inertial decline shortly after the opening, and then wait patiently for the stock price to rebound and rise. Sell the early stocks in the warehouse near the closing, and complete the short-term profit.

It should be noted that this method must be a stock that you already have in hand, and it must be a stock that you are very familiar with. It is best not to make a difference with a full position to prevent a false transaction from washing down and then pulling up. It is better to operate with a third of the position.

2. Sell first, then buy type:It is essential to determine that such individual stocks have entered a short-term downtrend, which is essentially a trend of unilateral decline. Stocks that break down in a one-line pattern, avalanche stocks, etc., can be operated using this method. This operation is divided into two situations:

1. Same-day buy-back type

Sell high in the early morning and buy back at the close in the afternoon. The characteristic of this is to reduce the cost of being trapped or to earn more chips.

2. Sell at the beginning of the downtrend and buy back at the end of the downtrend when it is about to completely end, as shown in the figure below.

Generally speaking, by operating in this way, you can avoid being in a passive position of being beaten down. In a volatile market and a bear market, this operation technique needs to be used frequently and should not be numb and insensitive due to a big drop.

Why can't you always find the main force? Completely give up the outdated and useless indicators like MACD! This super cold indicator is the method for stable daily income.

The Commodity Channel Index (CCI indicator, for short) is a type of indicator that specifically measures whether the stock price is beyond the normal distribution range, and it belongs to the category of overbought and oversold indicators. However, it also has its own unique features compared to other overbought and oversold indicators. The CCI indicator was first used for judgment in the futures market, and later applied to the analysis of the stock market and has been widely used.

I. CCI indicator: Analysis ideasThe most valuable aspect of the CCI indicator is its ability to identify the peaks of short-term rebounds and the inflection points of short-term pullbacks. When analyzing "abnormal" trends, the CCI indicator has no restrictions on its operating range. However, unlike other indicators without operating ranges, the CCI indicator has a relative technical reference area: +100 and -100.

According to the common thinking of CCI indicator analysis, the operating range of the CCI indicator is also divided into three categories: above +100 as the overbought area, below -100 as the oversold area, and between +100 and -100 as the consolidation area. However, the technical implications contained in the operation of this indicator in these three areas are different from the definitions of overbought and oversold in other technical indicators.

(1) CCI indicator in the consolidation area between +100 and -100:

The CCI indicator is essentially meaningless and cannot provide much clear advice for the operation of the overall market and individual stocks. Therefore, it is ineffective under normal circumstances. This also reflects the characteristics of the indicator - the CCI indicator is specifically designed for extreme situations, which means that it will not function in general normal market conditions.

When the CCI detects abnormal stock price fluctuations, the CCI indicator will show an inflection point in the overbought area (oversold area) and will turn downwards (oversold area will turn upwards). It is necessary to seek a quick decision, with the outcome determined in an instant, and if you lose, you must settle immediately! The normal setting for the CCI indicator parameter is 14 days. Adjusting it too small will result in distortion and overly sensitive reactions, while adjusting it too large will cause sluggishness, so it is recommended not to exceed 25 days.

(2) CCI indicator entering the overbought or oversold area:

It is different from the conventional thinking of overbought and oversold. In the conventional thinking, when the indicator enters the overbought area, it is time to exit, and when it enters the oversold area, it is time to absorb. However, the CCI indicator is not the case, and it only makes sense after the inflection point appears.

II. The trend of the CCI curve

1. When the CCI curve breaks through the 100 line upwards and enters the abnormal range, it indicates that the stock price is starting to enter a strong state, and investors should buy stocks in a timely manner;

2. After the CCI curve breaks through the 100 line upwards and enters the abnormal range, as long as the CCI curve continues to run upwards, it indicates that the stock price is still strong, and investors can hold the stock and wait for the price to rise; (as shown in the figure below)3. When the CCI curve is in the abnormal range above the 100 line, and starts to turn downward far from the 100 line, it indicates that the strong state of the stock price will be difficult to maintain, which is a strong signal of the stock price turning. If the short-term increase in the early stage is too high, it can be more confirmed. At this time, investors should sell stocks in time when the price is high;

4. When the CCI curve is in the abnormal range above the 100 line and is falling all the way far from the 100 line, it indicates that the strong state of the stock price has ended, and investors should still focus on selling stocks when the price is high; (as shown in the following figure)

5. When the CCI curve breaks through the -100 line and enters another abnormal range, it indicates that the weak state of the stock price has been formed, and investors should mainly hold cash and wait and see;

6. After the CCI curve breaks through the -100 line and enters another abnormal range, as long as the CCI curve runs downward all the way, it indicates that the stock price is still weak, and investors can continue to wait and see;

7. When the CCI curve breaks through the -100 line and enters another abnormal range, if the CCI curve has been running in the oversold area for a considerable period of time and then starts to turn upward, it indicates that the stock price's phased bottom has been preliminarily explored, and investors can build positions in moderation. The longer the CCI curve runs in the oversold area, the more it can confirm the phased bottom. (as shown in the following figure)

III. CCI Index: Key Points for Short-term Operation

When guiding short-term operations, it should be combined with the big market or individual stocks in the 30-minute K-line chart for short-term wave operation buying and selling points. The CCI only makes sense after the turning point appears, so the second, fourth, and sixth items are the most important. The specific operation is as follows:1. When CCI rises from the normal zone into the overbought area, it indicates that the stock price is accelerating in the short term and can continue to be held.

2. When CCI is in the overbought area, especially when a turning point appears and is about to turn down, it indicates that the stock price has reached a short-term peak and a turning point. When it falls below 100, short positions should be taken immediately and sold.

3. When CCI falls from the normal zone into the oversold area, it indicates that the stock price is accelerating in the short term and should continue to be avoided.

4. When CCI is in the oversold area, especially when a turning point appears and is about to turn up, it indicates that the stock price has reached a short-term bottom and a turning point. When it rises above -100, and the five-day moving average is not in a downward channel, but has already slowed down or has already turned up, short positions should be taken immediately and bought.

"Volume precedes price, and volume increases with price" is the only rule for the rise and fall of individual stocks. It would be even better if the volume follows up.

5. The slope of CCI means the strength of the stock's rise or fall. The greater the slope, the steeper the curve, and the greater the strength; on the contrary, the smaller the slope, the flatter the curve, and the smaller the strength.

6. When buying and selling, it is essential to look at the position of CCI on the daily K-line, which is crucial, remember!!

Investing in stocks requires not only knowing how to buy but also how to sell. In the stock market, short-term trading is prevalent, and the time for the stock price to rise is fast and short. Once the stock price reverses, the speed and magnitude are also astonishing. When entering the stock market, one must always be prepared to accept a shocking education.

In a bullish pattern, investors look for mid and small-cap stocks that are likely to rise in the wave, but what about a bearish pattern? Especially when the overall market is bearish, what should one do? For ordinary investors who can only go long, my suggestion is: rest and wait and see. However, resting and waiting will cause profits to stop; therefore, my second suggestion for active traders is: short selling.

In a bull market, go long in line with the trend, and in a bear market, also know how to go short in line with the trend, so that you can make money from both sides. Many people are afraid of short selling, first, they are afraid of being squeezed, second, they are reluctant, and third, they are very scary. Being squeezed in short selling is the same as buying stocks and falling, which is also a loss, but the mood is different. Reluctance is a Bodhisattva's heart, but it is not encouraged. It is very scary to say that even if the stock price falls, it will not be, but the rise space is infinite? I really can't refute this statement because it is a problem of your mentality, but have you seen that stock soar into the sky? I tell you, there is gravity, and big trees will bend, let alone stocks. The capital of the big guys is not unlimited, and all kinds of promotions will always come out.

Short selling, like going long, has the same principles, but it is just the opposite. Following this principle, you will find that short selling is not scary at all. The eagle flying in the sky is actually very happy. You need to adjust your mood, be a leopard on the prairie, and also be an eagle in the sky.The phrase "Bearish gap and fall K-line" represents a simple principle for short selling. It's just a couple of simple sentences, that's all. Moreover, once a bearish trend has been established, it's wise to go with the flow. If you are long and constantly exiting at stop losses, you should realize that you are not far from a bearish position. To profit, choosing stocks to short at this time is a viable strategy. The stock market is a battlefield of slaughter, and you should not be too merciful to your enemies.

When trading stocks, there is no need to pre-establish a position, nor should you consider yourself extraordinary in predicting high and low points. Operating strictly according to the rules is the way to be a winner. As long as the market maker has not indicated a sell, we continue to play with him. Do you know the signals of the market maker? If not, go back and draw circles. You must understand the language of the market maker to dance happily with him.

In the stock market, it is rare to find people who can laugh, and those who can have gone through considerable suffering. The mental journey during this period cannot be fully expressed in a few words, and only those who have experienced it can truly understand the taste.

Why is this a selling point? Right! It's not higher than the high of the day before yesterday, and it has broken the low of the previous K-line. This is the start of a falling K-line. As for how much it will fall, it depends on when the stop and rise appear. The skills of buying and selling are actually very simple, and the method of surfing is not difficult either. There is no need to seek far and wide, to think for a long time, and to ponder for a long time. In the end, you are still speechless and questioning the heavens!

However, just knowing how to identify buying and selling points is not enough. The cultivation of mentality is what retail investors lack the most. Retail investors lack the essence of a killer, and their hearts are not ruthless enough. They dare not buy when they should, hesitate when they should sell, and do not persist when they should hold. They do not lack sharp weapons in their hands, but they lack the courage to take action, especially when they have losses. They will compromise with themselves and wait, and this wait is endless entanglement. The market maker has the courage to trap you, but retail investors do not have the courage to counter-trap. As a retail investor, you must know that you are the weak, and you are not qualified to sympathize with enemies who are stronger than you.

The market maker is the one who makes money for you, but you also need to be able to distinguish whether it is an upward wave or a downward wave. You should be long in an upward wave and short in a downward wave. Don't be stubborn and only want to be long.

When you discover the subtleties of operation and turning points, your steps will naturally be light, and there will naturally be a smile on the corners of your mouth. Sometimes, you will even laugh in your dreams.
